Royal Order of Scotland Province of​ Kent
Ceud Mìle Fàilte
Bro. Eric Hampson.
Provincial Grand Master
Welcome Brethren.
First of all, to dispel any misconceptions – The Royal Order of Scotland is NOT just for Scots.
The Order exists across the world. The vast majority of members in Provinces around the world are native to their own countries, including the many Provinces in England.
It is a very senior Masonic Order. Most Heads of Orders are members. Many Masons aspire to membership of the Order, and regard membership as the pinnacle of their Masonic achievement.
There is only one Grand Lodge in the world, and that is in Edinburgh. There are 92 Provincial Grand Lodges across the globe, all under Edinburgh’s jurisdiction, one of which is the Province of Kent. The order only exists at Provincial and Grand Lodge levels.
There are no private Lodges or Chapters.
The Grand Master is the hereditary King of Scots. Note; Scots – not Scotland. The Kings were said to rule in the hearts of men, not over the land. Now, the King of Scots has been an elusive character in these modern times. In his absence the Order is ruled by a Deputy Grand Master and Governor. Just for interest, during the 2nd Jacobite Rebellion in 1745, Bonnie Prince Charlie proclaimed himself Grand Master of the Royal Order of Scotland.
The Order is a Christian Order, requiring a belief in the Holy and Undivided Trinity. Qualifications for admission vary from Province to Province. Grand Lodge impose a baseline qualification of Five years as a Master Mason. In Kent, the additional qualifications to membership of the Craft, is Royal Arch Chapter, and one of 3 Christian Orders, Rose Croix, Knights Templar, or Red Cross of Constantine
There is also a qualification of residence in Kent, with exceptions for those that work in Kent but live elsewhere, or whose main current Masonic activity is in Kent.
You cannot join another Province to get round local qualification requirements.
Chronologically, the ritual is second oldest Masonic ritual in existence, the Craft being the oldest.
It has two degrees, the Royal Order of Heredom of Kilwinning, which meets in Provincial Grand Chapter, and the Knighthood of the Rosy Cross, which meets in Provincial Grand Lodge. In ROS, the Lodge is senior to the Chapter.
It has a wonderful traditional history. The Royal Order of Heredom is said to pre-date Christianity, dating back to King David and Mount Moriah, but the ritual leads us to Christianity as it develops. The Royal Order of Heredom is said to have been re-established, and the second degree, the Knighthood of the Rosy Cross, established, by Robert the Bruce after the battle of Bannockburn in 1314. There are some wonderful legends connected with the Battle of Bannockburn involving the Knights Templar.
Brethren, the Order is by invitation only. But if you qualify, and would like more information,
Bro Steve Austin, the Provincial Grand Secretary, can be reached at